Organization context
         In order to promote the quality management system and environmental compliance to legal and other environmental requirements and to comply with the quality requirements and customer's environmental. All of this is to achieve continuous improvement and development. Senior management's policies. As follows:
Corporate vision (Vision)
         The company policy is to enhance the development of quality management system standards and the environment is to become the leading company is accepted as a customer group level parts Automotive and electronics parts, the Organization has had to improve and enhance the production process to cover the needs of the customer, such as baking processes expelling moisture (Water Absorption) plastic pellets for products that require flexibility and Assembly processes.

The Organization's mission (Mission)
1. The development of competitiveness and customer satisfaction to be the leader in quality products and on time delivery.
2. The difference in the application of technology, combined with the experience and expertise to customers.
3. The company's corporate governance system is managed by taking into consideration all stakeholders, including the community and the environment.
4. Add the personnel skills and competencies in order to develop sustainable organizations.