SST Design and Development Center Co., Ltd.


Company Profile
Com­pany Name SST Design and Development Center Co., Ltd.
Pres­i­dent Mr. Yoshitaka Ikeda
Busi­nesses Design
Prod­ucts Vacuum Casting,  Metal Cutting  Process,  Resin Cutting  Process,
Large Press Sheet Metal, Small Precision Sheet Metal, Simple
Mold, Optial Modeling, FRP( Figerglass Rainforced Plastic ),
Special Processing
Address Yubinbango 571-0057 Osaka Prefecture Kadoma Motomachi 
address 7 No. 7 SST building
Con­tact TEL : 06-4950-5011
Fax : 06-6780-2520
Homepage Http://Sst-sk.Co.Jp/
Estab­lish­ment April 2004
Cap­i­tal 30,000,000 JPY.
Group of company TAISHO SEIKI GROUP
No. of employee 40