Taisho Seiki Kogyo Co., Ltd.


Company Profile
Com­pany Name Taisho Seiki Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Pres­i­dent Mr. Seiji Kasamoto
Busi­nesses Various plastic mold design and manufacturing
Prod­ucts Plas­tic injec­tion mold ( Auto­mo­tive mold , Elec­tronic mold , 
Air conditioner mold, printer, Amusement, Daily sundry, etc.)
Address Osaka Prefecture Higashi Wakaehigashi-cho 4 chome No. 5 
Con­tact TEL: +81(0)6-6723-6371 -3
Homepage www.taishyo.co.jp
Estab­lish­ment 1997
Cap­i­tal 30,000,000 JPY.
Group of company TAISHO SEIKI GROUP
No. of employee 50